Ceramic Links

Groups & Organizations

Oregon Potters Assn. A great group of potters in southern WA & Oregon.
Anagama. Links, exhibits, history of Anagama.
Virtual Ceramics Exhibit. A juried show of many potters. .
Burnt Earth, ceramic musical instruments.
Oregon Art Beat, videos of many NW artists, including clay art
ArtsHeaven, Types of Art: Ceramics and Pottery


Oregon Potters Association potters’ link page.
Wali Hawes, Pottery and more.
Ron Mello Studio, Ron Mello Studio, Raku, Saggar-fired and more.
Dodero Ceramics Studio, Decorative Ceramics and Raku Pottery
Glen Burris Pottery, Oregon studio potter
David Roberts Raku Ceramics, English raku artist

Please email us if you have a good ceramics link you think we should add.


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